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Media coverage
news archiveReuters article by Yoruk Bahceli
Business Insider UK article by Camilla Hodgson
IFR article by Steve Slater
Global Capital article by Owen Sanderson
Business Insider UK article by Camilla Hodgson
Reuters Breakingviews article by Christopher Thompson
FX Week article by Alessandro Aimone
City A.M. OpEd article by Mark Yallop
Business Insider UK article by Camilla Hodgson
Profit & Loss in the Currency & Derivative Markets website article
Evening Standard article by Anthony Hilton
Financial News Article by Vivek Ahuja
Financial News article by Clare Dickinson
On 13 July 2017, the third installation of the Asian Institute of Chartered Bankers (AICB)’s Global Banking Discourse Series for 2017, titled “Tricks of the Trade – (Mis)behaviour of Financial Markets” was held at Conference Hall 1, Sasana Kijang, Kuala Lumpur. Over 120 attendees were at the event, which featured speakers from the FICC Markets Standards Board Limited (FMSB) and Oliver Wyman consultancy. The objective of the event was to discuss how financial market abuses take place as well as the safeguard measures financial institutions need to identify in order to reduce financial market abuse risks.
Lizzie Meager
Institutional Asset Manager
Shanny Basar, MarketsMedia
Samuel Agini, Financial News
Rheaa Rao, The Wall Street Journal / CFO Journal
The Wall Street Journal
David Bell, GlobalCapital
Peter Elstob, Thomson Reuters Regulatory Intelligence
Steve Slater, Alex Chambers, IFR
Lizzie Meager, IFLR
Owen Sanderson, GlobalCapital
– Lucy McNulty, Financial News
Anthony Hilton, Evening Standard
Banks and regulators have put in controls since wrongdoing was exposed
Madison Marriage, FT