Examining remote working risks in FICC markets

Following COVID-19 being declared a global pandemic and the closure of many offices, FMSB formed a working group of members and other interested market participants to consider the impacts of financial services activities being undertaken by a workforce which is widely distributed and using remote working.

The working group set about identifying and capturing the main priorities from a wide range of risks that arise from the new working environment, with a focus on areas which impact the fairness and effectiveness of wholesale FICC markets, and then to consider mitigants or strategies to manage these risks.

This Spotlight Review includes a risk register that outlines over 40 risks drawn from the experience and observations of the working group for market practitioners to use when conducting their own risk assessments.

The risk register is available at fmsb.com/wp-content/uploads/2020/07/risk-register-examining-remote-working-risks-in-ficc-markets.xlsx

FMSB also issued a press release.

27 July 2020