Confirming adherence to FMSB Standards through Statements of Commitment


Full, Associate and Corporate Members determine which Standards are relevant to their activities and business profile, which in the case of Associate Members may be limited to Standards developed by Working Group(s) in which they have they have been eligible to participate at their election. Full, Associate and Corporate Members commit to conduct their wholesale financial market activities in a manner consistent with the Core Principles contained in FMSB Standards, and to have internal policies, procedures and controls reasonably designed to give effect to those Core Principles where they are applicable. Members evidence this through an annual Statement of Commitment which they are required to submit to FMSB by 31 December of the following year.

The Statement of Commitment applies to all Standards published by FMSB in final form prior to 31 December of the previous year and reaffirms any previous Statements of Commitment made by the FMSB Member where appropriate.

FMSB Members are provided with language for their Statement of Commitment and return this with details of where they publicise it.

New Members are given additional time to submit their first Statement of Commitment.

Statement of Commitment

1 January 2023 to 31 December 2023      Language for Statement of Commitment 2023

Adherence Status

1 January 2023 to 31 December 2023      FMSB: 2023 Adherence Status